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Experience the incredible benefits of VIT B COMPLEX for both men and women. Made in a certified facility, 100% vegan-friendly, free from added colours, preservatives, gluten, allergens, and GMOs.

Our high-strength VIT B COMPLEX supplement has been accurately compounded to include a perfect blend of all 8 essential B Vitamins. We have added Vitamin C, which aids in Vitamin B absorption and functions as an antioxidant.

From Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) to B12 (Cyanocobalamin), each capsule offers a natural approach to enhance your energy levels, cope with daily stress, and fight mental and physical fatigue. To complete this unique formulation, we have added Folic Acid, Choline, Inositol and Fibersol for maximum activated absorption, whilst protecting the stomach and improving digestion.

VIT B COMPLEX has a wide range of functions, including enabling the release of energy through metabolism and supporting the nervous system. VIT B COMPLEX is also useful for sleep disturbances, irritability, fatigue, anaemia, mental health symptoms, and dermatitis, among others. Low levels of B vitamins can lead to neurological and physical problems.

Exodus Immunology - VIT B COMPLEX - 30 Capsules

  • Benefits of VIT B COMPLEX
    - Cell health
    - Growth of red blood cells
    - Improve eyesight
    - Supports brain function
    - Enables proper nerve function
    - Supports hormone and cholesterol production
    - Cardiovascular health
    - Muscle tone
    - Boost energy levels

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