MAG-02, when mixed with water and consumed, its distinctive properties allow it to release large amounts of oxygen. The additional oxygen in the intestinal tract encourages healthy, oxygen-loving bacteria and at the same time inhibits the growth of unhealthy bacteria and fungi(candida), whilst a gentle yet effective laxative effect is created.
Also, once the oxygen is released from the magnesium, it reacts with hydrogen to form water inside the intestinal tract. This oxidation and hydration process helps soften and liquefy the impacted and hardened fecal matter.
The undigested and putrefying debris that has stuck to the bowel wall blocking the absorption of nutrients whilst creating a source of toxicity, is safely and gently eliminated.MAG-O2 is gentle, safe and stimulates intestinal cleansing without cramping, pain and discomfort associated from other laxatives. Mag-O2 may act against acid reflux, constipation, heartburn and bloating.
Low magnesium levels have been linked to poor digestion, magnesium deficiency, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, cluster headache, chest pain (angina) due to clogged arteries, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, high cholesterol and many other health concerns.
A healthy gut and colon will allow the body to absorb more vitamins and minerals from the food you eat and eliminate waste build up in the digestive system.
Exodus Immunology - MAG-02 - 50g
- Anti-Acid Reflux
- Constipation
- Heartburn
- Bloating